martes, 30 de marzo de 2010

Easter Vacations!!!

Easter vacations have begun!! We're having lots of fun going to different parks and having picnics. The schedule is a lot more relaxed and we're enjoying more sleep in the morning. Lord willing we're having a fun home activity on Sunday. These are the only pictures I could take before the battery died but this park was very interesting. It had a huge mountain in the middle with a staircase to get to the top(very Aztec -ish)and a slide. The kids were exhausted by the time we got home and soooo filthy. The park was very dusty but they had so much fun that I decided to ignore the dirt factor this once.

martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

One Year... and Counting!!

Today Andy and I celebrate one year of living together. Its been an amazing year, full of miracles and adventures. We experienced the Lords protection and His supply like never before.
The day was normal taking care of kids, cleaning, cooking etc.and then at night we went out to dinner just the two of us. We talked about the year we spent together.
Four months after he came to live with us we moved from Acapulco not knowing where we were going hoping to spend some time "alone", fundraising and looking for the "perfect home". We spent a week with his family in Mexico city and on our way to Saltillo had the accident. I don't know if I'm ready to say that "if I could go through it again, I would" but I can definitely see the Lords hand in it. Because of the accident we decided to stay in Saltillo, the Lord opened doors in a very nice Christian school for the kids and He has supplied every thing we needed.

It may not seem like the ideal first year for most couples but for me its been one of the best yet. The Lord knows what we want and need better than we do ourselves. Andy has been the "best" of the year. I think that through all the different situations we have been in, I have gotten to know a side of him that I wouldn't have known any other way, and I admire and love him all the more for it. He has the self control and calm trusting attitude that I lack, he makes me laugh like only my family can, he puts in practice the saying "If I am wrong I will say so, if I am right I will shut up", he's a gentleman and makes me feel so special, he cooks for me on rest day AND parent day... what more can I say? He's everything I asked for and more.
I am incredibly blessed!!!

domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010

More Parent Day Fun!

Today was a "special meal" day. We had Shishkebabs for lunch, and Pizza for dinner. Andy spent lots of time in the kitchen but it was worth it, the kids loved it. In the afternoon the children celebrated Jerry's birthday which was the 16th. The had cake and ice cream and a treasure hunt.I don't have pictures of the Pizza or the party sorry!

The Little Tiny One is Leaving Us!

Mike and Fe are moving to another city and with them goes little baby Liam. We had so much fun together and enjoyed his smiles and cuddles.

sábado, 20 de marzo de 2010


The Lord supplied free tickets to watch a baseball game, Saraperos vs Tecoloches (I'm not sure what they were called). The Saraperos are Saltillo's team and they are Mexico's baseball champions. We only stayed for about an hour as it started getting very cold and the kids were a little bored.

martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

Another One Bites the Dust!!

If you're not a mom don't ask.. if you are a mother (of boys) there's no need to explain.

jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

I need prayer!

I've been having lots of pain in my neck and shoulders. We went to see a chiropractor and he said that with 10 sessions he thinks I could regain the natural curve my neck should have. ( Because of the whiplash in the accident my neck has the same natural degree of curvature but opposite of how it should be). According to the doctor the vertebrae that are damaged are the ones that would in the future affect my right arm. I've been having lots of pain off and on for over a month. Please pray for me as it hurts a lot and its keeping me up at night. Thank you.