jueves, 20 de agosto de 2009

Update on us!

I lost the camera in the accident so you wont be seeing many pictures of us. As a last minute update Toti got his stitches taken out last Tuesday, (9 on his tummy and 3 on his back) and Chachi will have hers (7 on the eyebrow)taken out tomorrow. Please keep praying for us, especially that the stitches wont leave scars. They seem to be healing very well. The doctor told us about Toti's stitches that although the skin heals within a week the internal stitches could take up to 2 months to heal properly.
I am doing a lot better. The Lord supplied a pair of crutches so I can get around the house easier. Ill be seeing a bone doctor and a chiropractor sometime soon so keep that in your prayers too please. Andy's bruise is almost all gone and in general we feel happy and healthy.
On a different note and another PR, I will need to go back to Matehuala sometime to work out the cars paperwork and maybe sell it at a junk yard etc. I don't know how when or where or with who so pray we can find a solution to it.

2 comentarios:

Renae dijo...

Praying for you guys! xxxx

Danny and Irene dijo...

I love you tons, Caro, Andy and kids, and we pray for you all the time!
Thank you Jesus that you are all right, and for His protection.
Were praying for your complete healing and for supply!!!
I love you so much!!!